God’s Word is incorporated into everything we do.

Elementary student writing in notebook

Our curriculum is a comprehensive character-building program with a Biblical foundation. By word and example, our professionally-trained Christian teachers apply God’s Word within the learning environment.

Individual learning levels help the teachers at Redeemer determine appropriate methods of instruction for each student. We believe the academic work should be geared to each child’s level of development with high expectations for learning progression. For this to be successful, we aim for smaller class sizes. Our subject areas also include Music, P.E., STEM, Library, and Art. In addition, Technology is taught and used in a variety of ways to enhance learning.


Arithmetic, Language Arts, Phonics, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Health

Concordia Publishing House

Religion, Christian Character


Reading:  Students will gain a firm foundation in reading and develop a love for books while using 12 small readers with stories and word pages correlated with specific phonics sounds. Children are thrilled with how rapidly they are able to move from one reader to the next!

Language Arts:  Students learn and review vowel and consonant sounds, blends, one- and two-vowel words, words with special sounds, sight words, and sentence comprehension.

Math:  Our focus is on reinforcing number concepts and formation through 100, addition and subtraction combinations, number sequences, number words, telling time, and working with money.

Social Studies:  Kindergarteners are introduced to community helpers, beginnings of American history, interesting features of countries around the world, and simple geography.

Science:  Units on the five senses, weather, seasons, seeds, animals, and the seashore all show the amazing wonders of God’s design in this world He has created.

Reading:  Students grow in their reading skills by applying phonics rules and sounds to decode words. Accuracy, correct enunciation and reading fluency are developed through the use of 10 entertaining reader books that contain short stories, plays, and poems.

Language Arts:  Each phonics element necessary for learning to read is systematically reviewed in an appealing way, while students learn word analysis skills, build vocabulary, improve reading comprehension, and develop creative writing ability.

Math:  Mathematical concepts are presented in an orderly manner and include consistent review of material learned. Concepts include counting, writing and reading numbers, place value, addition and subtraction, money, graphs, measurements, time, temperature, fractions, geometry, and word problems.

Social Studies:  Students will learn how the United States was founded and what our basic freedoms are. During their studies, they will be introduced to several famous American patriots and take an imaginary trip across America.

Science:  The studies of plants, animals, insects, energy, health, seasons, and the five senses is presented in the context of God as the Master Designer of the world around us.

Reading:  Students will advance their reading and comprehension skills as they apply the phonics rules and concepts presented in the phonics curriculum. The stories in their reading books have literary value and include children’s classics, stories from America’s past, selections by famous authors, fables, biographical stories, and poetry.

Language Arts:  Students will have a strong phonics and language foundation by the end of second grade with our intensive phonics program. Creative writing skills will be taught to prepare students to write their own stories incorporating higher level thinking skills into imaginative writing.

Math:  Concepts taught or reviewed include place value, addition and subtraction, money, time, multiplication and division, word problems based on concrete situations, and daily reasoning questions that challenge students’ thinking ability. The second-grade program builds a foundation for learning more abstract concepts and teaches students how to apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations.

Social StudiesOur America takes students back into history to learn what life was like in our country’s early days. Students explore the lives of groups of people who made valuable contributions to our American heritage. In addition, map skills and geographical facts, games, dioramas, and songs passed down through history are included in the curriculum.

Science:  Students study God’s plan for creation and grow in their knowledge of scientific concepts while learning about the human body, plants, animals and their habitats, matter and energy, and earth and space.

Reading:  In addition to reading short stories, poems, and selections from children’s literature, students will read four novels and deepen their comprehension of the written word through character analysis, setting and plot recognition, cause/effect and problem/solution charting, summarization and creative writing, and enrichment activities.

Language Arts:  Third graders will expand their understanding and knowledge of English as they learn punctuation, parts of speech, irregular verbs, possessive words, and other language concepts. Students become good spellers through organized spelling patterns of everyday words and vocabulary words.  To enhance their writing skills, students apply concepts such as time-order words, cause and effect, fact and opinion.

Math:  Extensive work is provided in multiplication, long division, and multi-step story problems. Students will tackle fractions, equations, measurement conversions, graphs, and simple geometry. Practical problems on the daily work pages reinforce new concepts, and ample review problems promote student success.

Social Studies:  Students engage in a full-year biographical study of more than 50 people who made an impact on American history. Students become familiar with the names and locations of the 50 states, landforms and physical features, famous American landmarks, U.S. territories, continents and oceans, and map keys, grids and calculating distance.

Science:  Students will increase their knowledge of scientific concepts while learning about matter and energy, the earth’s atmosphere and surface, the plant world, the solar system, animals and their habitats, and the human body from God’s viewpoint.

Reading:  Students will grow in their ability to read for learning and develop an understanding of character and story analysis, setting and plot charting, symbolism, figurative language, and many other literary concepts. Fourth graders will experience an outstanding variety of children’s books and are encouraged to read extensively outside of the classroom.

Language Arts:  The textbook/workbook God’s Gift of Language gives students the tools necessary to become effective communicators. To enhance their study of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, fourth graders will enjoy activities such as creating a party menu, completing a boarding pass and passport information, and weekly word crafting. A variety of creative writing topics will challenge students’ thinking skills, stimulate imagination, and prepare them to be skilled writers.

Math:  Fourth-grade math concepts taught and reviewed include multiplying and dividing by two-digit numbers, estimation, square measures, writing decimals as fractions, and geometry.  A major emphasis is on working with proper and improper fractions, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions, finding the least common denominator, and multi-step word problems.

Social Studies:  The materials are a high-interest and inspiring approach to American history as students learn how the United States came to be a nation, important figures and events, and other interesting facts of the events in U.S. history.

Science:  Students learn to appreciate many aspects of God’s creative genius by studying the miracle of plant germination, the causes of weather, the God-given provisions for life on earth, the design of the starry heavens, and the ecology of the ocean depths. They learn how to recognize everyday plants, interpret cloud formations, identify rocks, and so much more related to our amazing world.

Reading:  Fifth-grade readers will experience a variety of genres including realistic fiction, fantasy, biographical stories, folktales, legends, myths, and parables, and gain practice in recognizing and implementing good creative writing techniques. Reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary development are emphasized.

Language Arts:  Students will deepen their knowledge of grammar and learn how to diagram sentences. Their writing skills will improve as they learn to write effective topic sentences and paragraphs and how to use transitional words. In addition, they will acquire skills related to outlining, note-taking, and preparing a bibliography.

Math:  Emphasis is placed on topics such as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, measurement and algebraic equations, basic geometry problems, and percent/ratio.  Strategies for problem-solving are reviewed throughout the text to help students acquire the skills necessary to be expert problem solvers.

Social Studies:  Students will embark on a study of the Eastern Hemisphere by geographical regions starting with the Middle East. They will grow to understand the importance of studying history and the significance of geography while studying the culture of Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and Antarctica.  Their study of history will relate to important topics such as creation, evolution, humanism, government, and nations.

Science:  Students will learn about topics such as plants and animals, vertebrates and invertebrates, matter, energy and engines, geology, fossils and fossil fuels, oceanography, and astronomy. The text introduces great scientists and naturalists who believed in the Biblical account of creation and refutes the materialist’s faith in evolution.

Reading:  Classic books, including works by Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, and Louisa May Alcott, will present 6th graders with literary beauty and Christian ideals and values. Reading comprehension, speed reading and vocabulary building are emphasized.

Language Arts:  Creative writing and report writing provide practical applications for a grammar, usage and mechanics foundation that will serve students well in junior high. Sixth graders will conquer the most commonly misspelled words, discover the origins of some English words, and develop proofreading skills.

Math:  Repetition and maintenance of basic skills help build the foundation for more complex mental math, word problems, problem-solving strategies, ratios and proportion, probability, banking, geometry, and basic algebra.

Social Studies:  Sixth graders explore the history, geography and people of North and South America and will grow in their knowledge and understanding of the United States in the 20th century. Field trips to national parks and monuments will enhance their learning and understanding of geology and geography.

Science:  Students will explore the multitude of plants and invertebrates, space and space travel,, matter and chemistry (atoms, elements, and compounds), anatomy, growth, and fitness.

Coming in the 2023-2024 School Year! Please contact us for details.
Coming in the 2023-2024 School Year! Please contact us for details.
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